
About Us

NBA - KorianderSquare Group was established in 2018 with a singular vision to become a “truly global consulting firm” adding value to our client's business and optimizing business processes to help them grow exponentially. Our goal is to set the gold standard when it comes to compliance.

We pride ourselves at being an advisory firm, which offers a wide range of corporate services to domestic as well as International clients. We are well equipped to meet the challenges and requirements of the present scenario.

Each and every assignment is executed professionally with a sole objective of adding value to client's Business, Processes and Systems. The regular training programs keep the skill level of workforce up-to-date with amendments, regulations and dynamic business situation/scenarios. With this we meet and able to bringing better insights, out of box solutions and good practices bench-marking.

We adore and practice the values of profession. Our past and present credentials of working on varied challenging professional assignments with an economical and competitive edge, for SME to large size corporates of wide spectrum of industries, domestic and overseas projects, is the testimonial of NBA - KorianderSquare Group professional capabilities to execute all sorts of professional assignments in its areas of practice.

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